Attendance Information

SHS Parents and guardians
SHS Parents and guardians![]()
SHS Parents and guardians
Please email the attendance office for all day absences, dental, or doctor appointments.
Porfavor envie un correo electronico a la oficina de asistencia para ausencias de todo el dia, citas dentales, o medicas.
The attendance procedures are listed below. We ask that parents familiarize themselves with the procedures. Please remember that regular attendance is essential for your students’ learning and is the basis for success. Students are expected to attend all classes as assigned.
If your child is absent all day due to illness, dental or doctor appointment, etc., please send a signed note with your child, dial 796-7400 (press 1 and then press 2), or email Please make sure you give the following information:
If your child is absent all day due to illness, dental or doctor appointment, etc., please send a signed note with your child, dial 796-7400 (press 1 and then press 2), or email Please make sure you give the following information:
- Student’s first and last name
- ID #
- Dates of absence
- Reason for absence
- Caller’s full name and phone number, in case we need to contact the guardian/parent.
- If sending a note, please provide both your signature and printed name.
If your child is late due to dental or doctor appointments,etc... please send your child with the medical note, call or email the attendance office. Also, be specific with the start and end time of the doctor appointment. A student should not miss a whole day of school to attend an appointment unless the doctor requires it.
- Send a note, call, or email the Attendance Office (you may request a permit in advance).
- Parents/guardians must be specific of the date, the reason, and time the student needs to leave campus.
- The student may then pick up a “Permit to Be Absent” at the Attendance Office.
Failure to request a permit may result in the absence becoming an automatic truancy.
If students are late to class due to a meeting with a counselor or other staff, it is the student's’ responsibility to request a note from the staff member and turn it into the attendance office. If students are late to class for any other reason, they will be marked tardy.
When a student does not feel well, the student should:
- Report to class and request a pass from the teacher to go to the Health Office.
- If the student needs to go home due to illness, the Health Aide will contact a parent/guardian or the emergency contact. The student will be given a “Permit To Be Absent” by the Health Aide. Due to safety reasons, students are not allowed to contact parents from the classroom or by cell phone for pick up.
- If a student is ill and NO ONE CAN BE REACHED, they may rest in the Health Office for a brief period or return to class.
- If the Health Office is closed, students may go to the Attendance Office.
Under no circumstances should a student leave campus without permission. Salinas High is a closed campus. Student must have a "Permit to be Absent." If your student goes off campus without permission, he/she may receive a citation from the Salinas Police Department and may be required to appear in court for truancy.
Truant absences may result in loss of eligibility to participate in school activities.
Parents please be aware of the attendance procedures and understand that attendance is crucial for your students’ success in high school.