Principal's Message
Message from the Principal
Message from the Principal![]()
Message from the Principal
As the new principal of Salinas High School, I am dedicated to fostering a first-rate institution that prioritizes learning and competes in all areas of student academics, athletics, and social development. I have a deep passion for the school and its history, but I also recognize the evolving times and demographics that have shaped our present-day school into a beautiful, safe, and inclusive environment. Here, students are provided with various options and opportunities to carve their own paths.
My journey as an educator has led me to this role as principal, marking my tenth year as a Salinas Cowboy and my 26th year in the field of education. I have diligently prepared myself for this moment, having spent 13 years in the classroom and serving as an athletic director before transitioning into school leadership. Throughout my career, I have been committed to the business of learning and instilling aspirations in our children, so they may have abundant opportunities upon graduation. By supporting our teachers, we can impact a greater number of students and nurture their growth.
Collaboration with our school community is paramount. Our collective positive attitudes and concerted efforts, regardless of cultural background, economic status, or differences in opinions and ideas, will foster stronger connections to our school. Ultimately, each student will embark on a unique journey, but they will all have the chance to forge their own paths based on the opportunities they choose to pursue. It may not be an easy endeavor, but the ultimate rewards will make it worthwhile.
As the principal of Salinas High School, I am excited to work alongside the students, staff, parents, and community members to create an environment that celebrates pride, commitment, diversity, and respect. Together, we will ensure that Salinas High School remains a beacon of learning, growth, and achievement.
In addition to my commitment to overall academic excellence, I place a strong emphasis on improving literacy at Salinas High School. Literacy is a foundational skill that empowers students to succeed in all aspects of their lives, both during their time at our school and beyond graduation.
Go Cowboys!
Hugo A. Mariscal
Salinas High School
School Visits Guidelines
School Visits Guidelines![]()
School Visits Guidelines
How to successfully interact with the school:
- PARKING: We have several visitor parking spots in the parking lot on Geil Street. If those visitor spots are occupied, do not park anywhere else in this lot. The remainder of the lot is reserved for staff and handicap parking. Parking in these restricted areas may result in a parking ticket or the vehicle being towed.
- LEAVING SCHOOL: If you need to get your student out of school, it is much easier if you contact the attendance office in advance. For medical appointments we request that you contact the school prior to 8:30 am on the day of the appointment. Students returning from school must provide a written doctors note to verify the absence. Attendance phone: (831) 796-7400 ext. 2916.
- DELIVERIES: We understand that students may forget things at home that they need for the day. To support our students, we take deliveries in the main office. The deliveries are restricted to items that are school related, i.e. homework, presentations, PE clothing, etc. We do not take delivery of money, balloons, flowers, or food.
- COUNSELING: Our counselors are very supportive of our students and are always available to meet with parents. If you would like to meet with your student’s counselor, we request that you contact the counseling office to schedule an appointment.
- VISITATION: We understand and encourage parent visitation during the school day. To help us keep our students safe from intruders, if you come onto campus during the school day you must check in at the Security Desk to receive a visitors pass. Whether it is to visit your child or pay for a school activity, you must check-in. Failure to do may result in you being asked to leave campus.

Hugo Mariscal
726 S. Main Street
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 796-7400