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Senior & Business Ads

How to Submit your Ad online:

1. Go to and enter the order number 7516 and you will be prompted to pay with a credit card. 
2. Click "Create a Yearbook Ad"
3. Do not click "Upload Photos for the yearbook via eShare." You will upload your photos as directed during the ad creation process. 
4. Follow the prompts to design your add, add it to your cart and purchase it. Your ad is not complete until you add it to your card and complete the checkout process!
5. To make the ad creation process easier, click the Watch Video or Online Ad Creation Guide links.

For questions contact: The Order Center toll-free at 866-287-3096
or email us at

For technical questions: Call Tech Support toll-free at 877-362-7750
or email us at

For school-related questions: please contact Jose Julio Garcia at

Cost for the Ads:
Full Page:                      Full Page: $400
1/2 Page:                       1/2 Page: $300
1/4 Page:                      1/4 Page: $200
1/2 Page:                       1/8 Page: 100
Senior Page Deadline: 2/10/23