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Welcome to FEV Tutor!

Some helpful information

  • The tutoring is chat-based. Students will work with their tutors on a shared whiteboard and communicate through chat. Tutors will introduce the whiteboard tools in the first session.
  • Using text-to-speech, students can listen to their computers to read what their tutors are typing.
  • If computers are equipped with microphones or students have headsets, the student-side microphone can be activated to allow them to speak to their tutors.
To view a brief video on getting started with FEV Tutor, Click here
Follow the following steps to join the FEV Tutor Dashboard:
 · Go to Clever account and click on the FEV Tutor app.
 · Once you are in the FEV student Dashboard, a red button will be at the top of the screen that says, "Join session now."
Follow these 3 quick steps to book a scheduled tutoring session: 
    1. Go to the Clever account and click on the FEV Tutor app.
    2. Select the blue 'Book a Session' button at the top of your dashboard
    3. Enter your preferred tutoring Subject, Days, and Times. 
Follow the following steps to initiate On-Demand session:
  • Go to theClever account and click on the FEV Tutor app
        2. Click the Request an On-Demand Session tab on the dashboard.
        3. Select the subject, course, and question you want to work on.
        4. Click SUBMIT to connect to a tutor.
Follow the following steps to join their tutoring sessions:
  • Open Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Go to
  • Login with the usernames and password.
    Username: Student username
    Password: Firstname123 (First letter of the first name in Caps followed by 123).
  • Click the JOIN SESSION button on the dashboard.
  • Say 'Hello' and start working with a tutor!
Follow these 3 quick steps to book a self-scheduled tutoring session:
  • Login to using your Username and Password.
    Username: Student username
    Password: Firstname123 (First letter of the first name in Caps followed by 123).
  • Select the blue 'Book a Session' button at the top of your dashboard.
  • Enter your preferred tutoring Subject, Days and Times  
Follow the steps to initiate On-Demand session:
  • Open Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Go to  and login with the username and password.
Username: Student username
Password: Firstname123 (First letter of the first name in Caps followed by 123).
  • Click the Request an On-Demand Session! tab on the dashboard.
  • Select subject, course and question you want to work on.
  • Click SUBMIT to connect to a tutor.